
About me

Hello there!

My name is Marcel and I'm a software developer. You might have seen me around as machinateur (but likely you've not).

This website ( is my development blog and homepage, but mainly it's a blog. I've tried to make it the best possible experience - check out the controls in the navbar. In the process I added what I've missed in other good websites and blogs and left out all the complicated shenanigans that nobody needs.

Eventually there will be many blog posts, but it takes time to write them; I've got a whole list to choose from, stay tuned. A newsletter you ask? No there is no newsletter here. Drop me into your bookmarks and come visit now and then, you could find something interesting.

There is an RSS feed that's generated directly from the blog contents.

The website itself is fully open-source and available at GitHub.

building software on the internet for fun and profit since 2k11

Located near Frankfurt, HE, Germany, I'm currently working full-time, 40h a week. Another large chunk of my time goes towards the private (and some day hopefully public and open-sourced) projects. I don't want to put something out that isn't ready, so that's that.

I've started out in 2011 doing java for a couple of years, then got into php again in 2016. And I've been writing php ever since. There are a bunch of unfinished java projects still lurking in the depths of my old hard-drives, helplessly hoping to get paid a visit some distant day (I've promised).

Most of my open-source work has been done under another alias, so it's still kind of empty over at my github profile.

A little fun-fact or side-note, if you will, on how I initially found out about programming, long story short: click this link. :D

My repertoire of programming languages spans from PHP throughout the frontend stuff (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), to Java (little dusty). Different SQL dialects (MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle/PLSQL) too. Python is somewhat new to the list, but I consider myself still learning it.

I've recently gone more and more into Shopware shop and plugin development as part of my day-job, using Docker and

Among my favourite technologies and projects to work with are Symfony, Twig, Doctrine, JMS Serializer, Slim Framework. I could just go on with the list, but these are the most significant ones. From time to time I enjoiy hacking up a plain old PHP-only, no-dependency library. In general, gluing technologies together, bridging the gaps - hunting bugs across boundaries - that really makes my day.

I've just recently started getting into electronics too, involving Raspberry Pi, Arduino and ESP32 and of course the usual stuff like circuit design, soldering, etc.

Feel free to contact me via hello [at] machinateur [dot] dev.

Think that's it for now. I'll edit this page from time to time.